Birthday Party at Legoland
October 18, 2017
A Day at Pond Hill Farms
October 26, 2017

matching booties

Camden at WSU for her band event

Leighton made Steve a shirt for the U of M game

I’m pretty sure this was the last really warm weekend we are going to have this fall, so of course, we needed to take full advantage of it. Saturday Camden had an honors band event at WSU all day, so Steve and I took Leighton on a day date (since Jared is a teenager and needs his sleep). Leighton was loving having all of the attention on her, we went to brunch at Hudson Cafe, got Starbucks and walked around downtown Detroit. After watching Camden’s performance Saturday night we started painting our pumpkins (more about that later). Sunday we enjoyed the warm weather by making our way through the corn maze at Blast Corn Maze and had an early dinner in Ann Arbor. Overall it was nice, relaxing and easy going weekend… just what I needed, now if only it could last a few more days.