Camden’s Cooking – Chocolate Cake Roll
January 30, 2018
Camden’s Cooking – Valentine’s Day Mini Cakes
February 13, 2018

Once you become an adult, you realize that tubing is so much better than sledding. For one main reason… you don’t have to walk up a hill! Anytime I see snow in the forecast I get excited about all the different outdoor activities we are able to partake in, sledding is usually on the top of my list. But then I start thinking about bundling everyone up, walking to the hill, trekking our way up the hill in so many layers, making our way down the hill and then you have to hike back up. Just the thought of all that makes sledding seem far less enjoyable. But snow tubing, now that is more my speed- all the fun, without all the work! A few weekends ago while we were visiting my parents in Grand Rapids, we all spent the day at Cannonsburg enjoying a warm winter day.