Social Media
March 24, 2017
A favorite and somewhere new
March 28, 2017

I can’t believe that I finally got the courage to start this blog six months ago. It feels like I have been doing this for years, if you add up all the time I talked about it and worked on a website it has been years. It’s interesting how writing this blog has made me think about things differently and like my last post explains, has had some downfalls. But there is one thing that has been consistent throughout, it has been a self growth process that for the most part has been very enjoyable. I have already appreciated using the blog as an online journal and looking back at old posts. These pictures are from last fall, I realized I never posted them and thought this would be a great outfit to wear in the spring too! Seeing the flowers in the background makes me even more excited for spring!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great Monday so far!