Last Friday we started celebrating Leighton’s actual birthday according to the schedule she had all planned out, and yes she did turn 7 not 17. Her schedule consisted of: Friday- Dinner at Red Robin, cake and a family game night and Saturday- donuts in my bed, gifts and putt putt. So that is what we did! She made sure our waiter at Red Robin noticed her birthday girl shirt so she could get her birthday ice cream. Once we go home we surprised her with her favorite cake, a banana nut from Republica and spent the rest of the night playing a variety of games.
Super early Saturday morning, Leighton busted into our room yelling “I’m seven now”, jumped into our bed and made sure to get her cuddle time. At a more responsible time, that morning Camden and I delivered a “donut cake” to Leighton and she got to eat her breakfast in bed. Next up on her schedule was presents, so that’s what we did. Luckily the weather was beautiful, which made outdoor putt putt (the last thing on her schedule) so much more enjoyable. I’m pretty sure our cuddle bug had a wonderful birthday and I’m sure is sad to have the celebrations come to an end. It seems like we have been celebrating this birthday forever, maybe its because we started two weeks ago! Leighton’s Legoland birthday party will be on the blog next week.