Happy Birthday Leighton
October 7, 2016
Wedding Planning- Update Two
October 13, 2016

picking apples is a hard task!

Using her new camera she got for her birthday!
This weekend the birthday girl wanted to go to the cider mill! We decided on the Franklin Cider Mill, I have no idea why this was our first time there. The Franklin Cider Mill wasn’t overly crowded and included everything a cider mill should- donuts, cider, caramel apples and we even got to watch how the cider was made! Not to mention this cider mill was only about 15 minutes away from home and there was no traffic, major bonus!
Watching the cider being made was such a cool experience, I wonder how many apples it takes to make a gallon of cider? After watching the cider being made, we got our goodies- cider slushes, donuts for Steve and the girls and a caramel apple for me (ok maybe two caramel apples for me)! We made our way to the apples, Leighton spent a good amount of time making sure she picked out the best apples. Next stop was to sit by the creek, watch the ducks and enjoy our treats! I don’t know if there is anywhere better to spend a beautiful fall day than at the cider mill!