Weekend Recap: Mother’s Day 2016
May 15, 2017
Wedding Planning- Update Eight
May 17, 2017
Two weekends ago I was able to talk Leighton and Camden into coming to the opening day of the Birmingham Farmer’s Market with me but at a hefty price- smoothie before, a treat at the market and the park after. Since it was a beautiful day, I happily agreed to their terms. I was a little disappointed with the lack of vendors for their opening day, but I was impressed with the vendors that were there. Camden and Leighton decided on a lemon tart from Susan’s Tart Shop as their treat, which they loved! After stocking up on some fruit, veggies, and flowers we headed over to the park. On our way home we picked up Hunter House Hamburgers for us and the boys! I can’t wait to spend a few more Sundays just like this over the summer!