Stocking Stuffers
December 13, 2016
Birchbox December: Sample Choice & Curated Box
December 16, 2016
My annual forcing the kids to pose like this picture!

The day after Thanksgiving begins the major event of “Everything” Christmas in our house!
We kick things off with getting our Christmas tree Friday, then spend the rest of the day decorating, making ornaments, setting up our Department 56 houses and listening to a variety of Christmas songs. I really like the group Pentatonix who have become quite the favorite for us all.
(If you missed my post about our Department 56 tradition, be sure to check it out!)
Since we have been spending Thanksgiving the last couple years at my parents who live near Grand Rapids, we get our tree out there. This year we went to Red Flannel Tree Farm to cut down a tree with my parents and nephew, which was perfect! A horse down wagon dropped us right in front of the type of tree we were looking for. After searching and cutting down the tree we enjoyed hot chocolate, while Steve secured the tree to the top of the car. And yes, we are those people who drive for almost two hours with a tree strapped to our roof!! I definitely recommend the Red Flannel Tree Farm to anyone in the Grand Rapids area. All in all it was a wonderful day spent getting into the Christmas spirit. Next week I will make a post about how we made our ornaments this year and the final reveal of our finished tree!!