Wish List: Nordstrom’s Half Yearly Sale
May 30, 2017
Wedding Planning- Update Nine
June 1, 2017

This past Friday, after much debate with the girls on what we should do (since Jared was up-north with his friends) we decided on having a campfire and movie night in the backyard! While Camden and I were at Target getting the necessities for a campfire- stuff for campfire cones and campfire dinner, she kept saying “tonight would be so much better if we camped outside too and watched the movie from the tent. We weren’t unable to come up with a good reason why we couldn’t, so our campfire and movie turned into also camping in the backyard. Steve and the girls’ set up the tent, while I attached a white shower curtain to the zip line for the movie screen. After eating our campfire dinner and cones, we headed to the tent to watch our movie. It was definitely my kind of camping, the house was only about 20 feet away!!!
Even though I was hesitant on camping out, it turned out to be a great night and such a fun way to start our Memorial Day Weekend.