Spring Looks I’m Loving
February 28, 2017
Hello March
March 2, 2017My last wedding updated included a to-do list of things I wanted to get done within two weeks of that post and I’m happy to say I completed everything besides one thing (it might have taken three weeks, but who’s counting)! We sent out all the save the dates, ordered everything I wanted to do and I actually added one more thing to my list- we almost have the dinner menu all figured out. The only thing we haven’t figured out is our DJ, which is a big deal and I will need to do that as soon as possible. Yesterday we met with a florist and are starting to figure out the flower situation. I realized how clueless I am when it comes to what I want for flowers, I kept pulling up examples on Pinterest and being like I want this in this picture and that in that picture (I’m sure the florist was loving me). But I’m so excited to see an example of the center piece flowers in a couple weeks, I hope it looks as good as I think it will!! So next up is finalizing my bouquet, pick a DJ, finish designing our invites and think about what other decorations we want. I feel like picking the decorations is going to be the hardest, there is so many ideas on Pinterest and I can’t pick just one theme. Is it strange to have each table have a totally different look and feel… kidding, I know it is. Some days I feel like I totally have this wedding planning under control and I have no idea why so many brides freak out, then there are the days that I’m totally the freaking out bride. Luckily right now I feel like I have it together most days. I’m scared that there is going to come a point where this attitude will flip and I will spend most days freaking out. But I’m going to keep reminding myself that the tablecloths, flowers, what glasses we have really won’t matter- what matters is that Steve and I are spending the day expressing our love for one another!!